Resume may be organized in different way. If you are lack of experiences or just graduated from your school, you should think to make a simple resume that doesn’t putĀ you into difficulties on describing yourself to the employeer. A simple resume is a summary typically limited to one page of size A4 or Letter-size that highlighting only your related experiences and skills that you considers most relevant to the desired position. What is the chance of getting interviewed if you are sending this kind of resume? It depends on your target company. If you are targeted a small company, or your relative or friends company, you should not have to worry of not getting interviewed. But, if you plan to work for well known company, you should make a professional resume rather than just using this simple resume template. Because you need more eye-catching layout and more detail focus on your experiences and skills to be competed with other applicants.
Simple Resume (37.0 KiB, 7,761 hits)
Simple Resume with Vertical Border (35.5 KiB, 3,938 hits)