Standard operating procedure (SOP) template is something important to be used in one company. If you are a business man who wants to have the good company, you will need the set of instruction that will be done by the employee; it called SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). This document should be available when the company has been built because it will be the guideline for employee in doing their work.
Do I Need Standard Operating Procedure Template?
You will need standard operating template if you are the one who want to start the business or anything the kinds of it. But in the writing this document, these are people which will be involved in;
1. The author of SOP
2. The employee — they should know SOP because SOP tells the instruction of their job in the company (the steps of job that should be done in the company)
3. Supervisor & Manager — they need SOP template because they need to know the standard instruction when controlling the employee.
The template consist of every instruction of work in the company, in details is like this:
1. Purpose; describes the process of official name of SOP and background information.
2. Scope; tells the audience or activities where SOP may be relevant.
3. Prerequisite; Outline information which required before proceeding with the listed procedure.
4. Responsibilities; tells the person who have responsibilities in the SOP, it is better to insert contact person on it.
5. Procedure; all steps that should be followed by all employee
6. References; List of resources that may be useful when performing the procedure; for example, municipal code admin policies, government standards and other SOP.
7. Definitions; defines and Identify frequently used terms or acronyms. Provide relevant information and additional needed to understand the SOP.
Why Should You Use Standard Operating Procedure Template?
This template is very useful to make the employee doing their job professionally. And it will ease superiors, especially from Human Resources department, to write all company policies and procedures without thinking about its layout. SOP will make them know the steps of their job and the goal that company want to get, so they will be aware about their role in the company. SOP template also will make you get the systematic guideline; it will be the tool for assessing the professionalism of the employee. By using SOP, can be known what the system of company is good in achieving goal or not. Finally, all about system in one company can be managed well by using standard operating procedure template.
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