Farkle Score Sheet

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Farkle Score Sheet TemplateFarkle is a very simple and easy to play dice game that can be played by two or more people. The game uses six dice that are rolled in sequence in order to determine the score a player get in their turn. When the dice is rolled, players decide on what dice combination they should get in order for the player in turn to win. Since there are six dices, this is a pretty hard resolutions and will make the game long enough and interesting enough. A farkle score sheet template is kept so that they can note the score and decide who win at the end of the game.

Rules of Playing Farkle
Similar to any other games, Farkle has its own set of rule so that the game will be interesting and not boring. The rules of Farkle are fairly simple.

  1. When it is your turn, roll six dices in a cup.
  2. Take out the dice worth for points and then roll the remaining dice until your run out of dice.
  3. If your turn you have no points, you are farkled and have to give up all of the other points you accumulate for that turn.

That is all the rules of the game of Farkle you have to obey. To win the game, you have to score 10,000 or more. You can decide whether you should score exactly ten thousand or more to won the game to make the game more interesting.

Farkle Scorecard

Farkle score sheet template is fairly simple, consisting the names of players, numbers to indicate turns, and then fill in the score each player get in their turn. Here is a list of the dice combination and the score players can get.

  • 5 for 50 points.
  • 1 for 100 points.
  • 1,1,1 for 1,000 points.
  • 2,2,2 for 200 points.
  • 3,3,3 for 300 points.
  • 4,4,4 for 400 points.
  • 5,5,5 for 500 points.
  • 6,6,6 for 600 points.
  • A straight 1 until 6 combination for 1,500 points.
  • Three pairs for 750 points.
  • Two sets of three of a kind for 2,500 points.

Since the number of dice is six, there are a lot of possible combinations that will give you various points. Many Farkle score sheet template also printed the score cheat sheet on one corner of the score sheet, like the one that you download below, you do not have to worry about having to memorize the whole points formula.

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