Providing complete information about your business activity is very important. As a result, you will know whether all activities in your business run smoothly or not. Business trip itinerary will list any activities while you are away from your company. It will provide you reminder when you are spending your time in other cities.
First, you have to attach the day, month and year in it. As a result, you will know when the trip occurs. You can also give details about phone number, confirmation and how much money that is used for this trip. Second, do not forget to give accurate information about the timeline. The timeline can be started in the beginning of an event, for example at 5.45 PM, and then continues at 7.05 PM, and so on. This will definitely wrap up all activities that you will do in one day. If you are a high rank officer, you don’t have to worry about creating one because your secretary might have written all of those details for you. All you have to do just follow her notes. But, if you had to arrange it by yourself, you might need this template.
Having this template will make you find easier to manage your time, you will know what you have to do next and plan the strategy to do your best in the board meeting. This one below is a template with business trip samples written inside. You can read it, delete it and create a new one based on your own business trip.
Business Itinerary Template (37.0 KiB, 1,428 hits)