Commercial Invoice

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Commercial Invoice Template for WordA commercial invoice is a document used in foreign trade. It is used when dutiable goods are shipped internationally, and as a customs declaration provided by the person or corporation that is exporting an item across international borders. Although there is no standard format, the invoice should be completed on the shipper’s company stationery in the English language, must contain the shipper’s company complete address, telephone number and fax, and be signed by the shipper or its agent. An accurate and complete description of goods is necessary for Customs purposes. If the receiver/consignee is different from the importer/buyer, it should be noted on the invoice. The original commercial invoice, one copy attached to the shipment paperwork, and one copy attached to the shipment are required. A commercial invoice must also include a statement certifying that the invoice is true, and a signature. A commercial invoice is used to calculate tariffs, international commercial terms (like CIF) and is commonly used for customs purposes.

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