This word invoice template is suitable for companies who have business services, that is a kind of business that provides various type of labor services in a wide variety of business sectors. For example, housekeeping business, lawn care business, car cleaning business. If the payment for using that services is paid by other party or not directly paid, you can use this template. But, sales receipt template will be more suitable if the services has to be paid by the time the usage of services is finished.
You can modify the template to suit your business. I am using the SD1 style letterhead but you can use it in a blank paper or other letterhead by copying the template and paste it in a blank page or other letterhead style page.
Service Invoice - SD1 Letterhead (88.0 KiB, 7,948 hits)
This word invoice template is suitable for a business services that charge people or companies who use their services hourly. There are several examples for this kind of businesses. For example, you are a programmer that will charge your customer based on total hour needed to complete a project, or, you are a freelance stand promotion girl for exhibition that will charge your customer based on total hour needed to promote a company product in that exhibition, or you are a law consultant that will charge your customer based on total consultation hour and many others.
And this template is a word template where you have to fill all information by typing it manually. If you have databases in microsoft excel files, you can learn to merge it using the mail-merge function. Feel free to customize the layout, fonts and also the letterhead. I used the SD1 style for this invoice template.
Hourly Service Invoice - SD1 Letterhead (90.5 KiB, 8,514 hits)