Contractor Invoice

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Contractor Invoice Template for WordThere are several definitions that can be referred to the terms contractor. The most common definition is an organization or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction of a building, road or other facility. As an organization or a company, they have to responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the construction site, as well as management of their vendors and trades.

Before they are managing those projects, usually they assess the project specific documents and make a site visit to get a better understanding of the project. As a result of this, the contractor will generate an estimation price. It will include the cost of materials, equipment as well as the cost of labor to provide the owner with an approximate price for the project. And there is terms of payment also being provided in their quotation. And it is common also that they will divide the projects into several phases and they will request for payment after one phase is finished.

This is a contractor invoice template that you can use to accommodate your payment request. You can modify this template to accommodate your terms of payment. And there are other invoice templates in this site you can download if you feel you need another complicated and detail invoice template.

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