Freelance Invoice

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Freelance Invoice Template for WordIt is very often that people is taking a side job to get additional income. A typical job that is taken usually a job that can be done in their leisure time, either at night or weekend. But, there are also many people that is working without regular worktime where you can call some of them freelancers. The meaning of a freelance you can find in internet is a person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment. Some of the jobs that can be taken as freelance jobs are web designer, language translator, insurance agents, journalists.  There are several freelance marketplace sites in internet that you can use to advertise your skills.

In this site, you won’t get any freelance offer :), but you will find some freelance invoice templates that will help you get payment from your clients after you finished your freelance jobs. There two models available, the first one is an invoice where you can write all your jobs in description column and put the price in the amount column. The second one is a freelance invoice template with hourly rate, the template for you who charge your customers in hourly bases.

  Freelance Invoice - General Service (91.5 KiB, 6,026 hits)

  Freelance Invoice - Hourly Service (96.5 KiB, 2,797 hits)

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