Phlebotomist Job Description

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Healthcare is one of the most developing businesses these days. Hospitals and health clinics offer various choices of job and positions and allow people to have their own career. There are various health care facilities that you could choose as a place for you to develop your own career. One of the most common health care facilities is laboratory. One of the most promising positions in laboratory is phlebotomist. A phlebotomist is a person who is serving the patients by organizing and preparing any specimens that are needed for laboratory testing. A phlebotomist is also responsible for performing any screening procedures that are needed. To become a phlebotomist, there are certain qualifications and skills that are required. The qualifications and skills that you need to become a phlebotomist are including analyzing information, bedside manner, infection control, lab environment, attention to details, procedural skills, hospital environment, quality focus, creating an effective and safe environment, informing other heath care staffs, and performing diagnostic procedures. If you want to become a phlebotomist, you need to know what duties and tasks that are commonly performed by a person with this position.

Phlebotomist Job Description Template for Word

Below is the list of the basic duties of a phlebotomist:
– Verifying test requisitions by bringing discrepancies to the concern of unit personnel and comparing information with treatment station log.
–  Verifying patients through patient identification.
– Obtaining blood specimens through performing necessary methods such as fingersticks and venipunctures.
– Maintaining the integrity of the specimens by following department procedures, using aseptic technique, and observing isolation procedures.
– Collecting therapeutic drug monitoring test by collaborating with any available nursing personnel in order to ensure the proper drug dose.
– Tracking collected specimens by dating, initialing, and noting the times of collection and maintaining the daily counting of the collection performed.
– Monitoring glucose levels through recording results, bedside glucose tests, and reporting the results to nurse manager.
– Performing bleeding times analysis by submitting the results to computer and notifying the pathologist if the results are outside the normal ranges.
– Maintaining quality results through creating record of the result in quality control log, following testing schedule and department procedures, and reporting and identifying needed changes.
– Maintaining healthy, secure, and safe work environment by following procedures, standards, and legal regulations.
– Resolving unusual test orders through contacting pathologist, physician, reference laboratory, or nursing station, referring the unresolved orders for further clarification, and notifying the supervisors about the unresolved orders.
– Updating job knowledge through reading professional publications, participating in any educational opportunities, participating in any professional organizations, and maintaining personal networks.

If you are looking for a phlebotomist job description template with all duties and responsibilities are typed inside the template, you can download it below.

  Phlebotomist Job Description Template (35.5 KiB, 539 hits)

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