Getting a right employee is a crucial thing to do these days because you wouldn’t pay a person to do something that he is not capable of. To get the right employees for the vacant position in your office, you need to get information as much as possible from the applicants. To do it, you need to make or get Job Application Form. The application form should contain everything you want to know from the applicants in detail. The information should include the previous job experiences, name, address, qualifications, expected salary and many others.
If you above picture, you can see that there are plenty of information that are needed to be filled by any candidates who want to work in your company. As informed, the information has to be as detail as possible so you can evaluate them thoroughly before you grant them further interview with any department heads who need new employees. This is must be done to prevent any bad employees hired by your company. Yes, there are probation period that they must pass, but being careful is better than repeating recruitment process from the beginning again.
You can edit employee job application form template above using Microsoft Word. You can add more rows to add more information that you want to add since you need other information that important with your company especially with Human Resources department. You can put your company logo as well.
Employee Job Application Form Template (23.1 KiB, 1,198 hits)