A template for SWOT Analysis is really useful because such template gives you abilities to present the result of your analysis more easily, clearly, and appropriately. Instead of creating a long yet complicated report that surely will take time and lots of energy, you just need to fill out a table with any information you receive from your analysis. This opportunity surely helps saving your valuable time, energy, and money as you can provide a better report in less time. You can even provide clear information about three competitors in your template so that everyone reading your report can easily make a well informed decision.
SWOT Analysis is used to tell the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. By conducting a SWOT analysis, you will be able to know what you should do to win your competitors. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can try to eliminate your weaknesses and improve your strengths. In this case, a SWOT analysis template allows you to present the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your company and three other companies. You just need to give a brief explanation about you company and other companies on the right space so that once you have finished, you can easily read and compare the information.
How to Use a SWOT Analysis Template
You can follow steps below to start using this template
– Write down the name of your company on “My Company” and the name of other 3 competitors on “Company 1”, “Company 2”, and “Company 3”
– Write down a brief explanation about the strengths of each company on the columns in the first table.
– Write down a brief explanation about the weaknesses of each company on the columns in the second table
– Write down a brief explanation about the opportunities of each company on the columns in the third table
– Write down a brief explanation about the threats of each company on the columns in the last table
SWOT Analysis (74.5 KiB, 765 hits)