Usually when you plan to visit several famous restaurants especially in weekend time, you have to make a reservation to make sure that you will have seats when you get there. And sometimes you have to put deposit payment to guarantee your reservation. From restaurant point of view, reservation system implementation can give advantage to justify its revenue at that time. But, the problem usually arises when people who make reservation doesn’t come on time and the restaurant already rejects its guests because of that. If that is the case, the restaurant have lost some revenues. To avoid this problem, some restaurants are closing their reservation system at its peak time, so people will be served based on their arrival sequence.
If you are managing small restaurants but having problems on handling reservation because you are not having a software reservation system, you can download this template, modify it and start your reservation system manually. Everytime you have reservation phone calls, you can put important information in this template. And when they arrived, you can mark their arrival by checking in the status boxes.
Restaurant Table Reservation Checklist - Word 97/2003 (45.5 KiB, 5,173 hits)
Restaurant Table Reservation Checklist - Word 2007/2010 (14.2 KiB, 7,008 hits)