2019 Calendar Templates

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2019 Year Calendar Template - WordYear 2018 is about to end. Year 2019 is about to come within several days. That’s the time to start a new resolution. Good resolution. Also time to revisit year 2018 resolution and evaluate which resolution that are failed to achieve and needs to be rewritten in year 2019.

Before starting to write them, you might need a 2019 calendar where you can see what kind of events you will go and budget you want to spend. Also, you need to think whether you can follow those resolution without shifting them again to another year. These are calendar templates in Microsoft Word you can use as your references. You can start creating rough plan by scratching these templates.

You know what? Year 2019 has exactly the same date format with year 2013. 1st January of 2013 and 2019 is on Tuesday and month of February in both years has 28 days. If you have 2013 calendar templates from other sources, you can update it to year 2019 easily.

I hope I am not too late to release these calendar templates. I plan to design new calendar models but I haven’t had a chance to create ones until now. All available templates at this moment are old models. But, since they are all created in Microsoft Word, you can edit it easily since there are no restriction in the file. There are yearly and monthly templates. I created yearly templates with table menu functions where you can’t adjust each month table by dragging them. You need to adjust them in each table properties. Monthly calendar template is easier to modify. You can extend particular date boxes to wrap all of your event texts. Also, you can remove notes boxes at the bottom of each month page if you need more spaces for your texts.

2019 Year Calendar Template

There is only one model at the moment. I will add more if I have time to create ones. There are tabular and linear models.

  2019 Year Calendar Template (30.7 KiB, 653 hits)

2019 Linear Calendar Template - Word

  2019 Linear Calendar Template - Full Date Boxes (25.4 KiB, 576 hits)

  2019 Linear Calendar Template (25.2 KiB, 565 hits)

2019 Monthly Calendar Template

As usual, there are one file with 12 pages and 12 files with one page per file per month. Those individual month files should suit you who prefer to organize your schedule and need to print and distribute them one month in front. Or, two or three months in front. It should you who running courses or schedules.

2019 Monthly Calendar Template - Word

  2019 Monthly Calendar Template (39.8 KiB, 497 hits)

  January Calendar Template (22.2 KiB, 607 hits)

  February Calendar Template (18.8 KiB, 520 hits)

  March Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 407 hits)

  April Calendar Template (18.9 KiB, 470 hits)

  May Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 627 hits)

  June Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 460 hits)

  July Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 580 hits)

  August Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 594 hits)

  September Calendar Template (19.0 KiB, 636 hits)

  October Calendar Template (18.8 KiB, 659 hits)

  November Calendar Template (18.7 KiB, 683 hits)

  December Calendar Template (19.0 KiB, 501 hits)

That’s all guys. Pick and use 2019 calendar templates that meet your preferences. Feel free to modify. Need smarter templates? Pick the Excel version :-).

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