Weekly Sales Report

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Weekly Sales Report Word TemplateIf you run a business and you hire people to sell your products, you will need Weekly Sales Report template so that your employees can easily report their weekly sales to you. This template is also suitable if you cooperate with retail stores to sell your products. You can give the report form to the store manager so he or she can fill it.

The template is made to be easy to understand. The top of the Weekly Sales Report is the title of the report. After the title, you can write down sales or store name and then, weekly period of the report. The main part of the report is weekday table. The sales or the store can easily write down the code number of the product, product name, number of sales on each day in the week, and total number of sales for the week. Once the week is over, they can easily return it back to you so you can easily evaluate the weekly sales.

For the report, you can make some modification on it. To make it look professional, you can add your company name and company logo on the Weekly Sales Report form. There are three types of templates available to be chosen, Monday to Friday, Monday to Saturday, and Monday to Sunday templates, based on your sales working days or store operational days. If your operational days is different with those default days, you can modify it based on your working days.

  Weekly Sales Report Template - Mon to Fri (45.5 KiB, 2,369 hits)

  Weekly Sales Report Template - Mon to Sat (47.0 KiB, 1,610 hits)

  Weekly Sales Report Template - Mon to Sun (49.0 KiB, 1,874 hits)

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