Employee Incident Report

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Employee incident report is the primary benchmark for measuring the performance level of health and safety in general. This includes incidents, accidents, and near miss. All events related to those need to be recorded and investigated in order to determine the corrective measures to improve safety in the workplace. If you don’t want to create from the scratch, you can use a free employee incident report template to start reporting the incident.

Employee Incident Report Form Word Template

What is the Purpose of Creating Incident Report ?

It is intended that the authorities, including the management can get important information related to health and safety management system associated with their workers. Such information will be one of the important feedback to take the right decisions. Conducting an investigation and reporting also aims to help the company determine corrective action accurately which can minimize the possibility of unwanted accidents.

Occupational accident is the worst thing that should be handled since nobody wants it happened. However, if the occupational accident has occurred, we as safety professionals must respond quickly and establish a good incident report by including all the relevant data.

Find relevant facts
It includes a chronology of events such as date, time, location, name of the victim, job title, department, specific tasks, environmental conditions, events before the accident, the wounds inflicted, the type of wound care, accident reconstruction pictures, equipment breakdowns, and others.

Sequence of events
Based on the fact, you should be able to sort the events up to the accident. On your report, describe in detail including the cause of accident, what happened before, during, and after the incident.

Incident analysis
Your report should include an analysis of the causes of the accident both direct and indirect causes. Consider other contributing factors such as work pressure, no warning signs, or the lack of training and procedures.

After finding the facts and analyzing the accident, you have to make recommendations for improvements that include employee training on safe working practices, evaluation procedures, and routine maintenance of equipment.

What are the Functions of Incident Report Template?

Collecting information of work accidents has three functions:
• In the workplace, the data are used to alert the workers to be careful while doing the activity.
• In the field of law, the data is used to make regulations on the working environment and the application of safety regulations in the workplace.
• In the field of accident insurance, this data is useful to determine the level of accidents and the amount of compensation that should be given according to the accident levels.
There are many types of accidents that occur in the workplace ranging from mild to severe. Making incident report will minimize the occurrence of accidents and act as prevention.

Below is one sample of employee incident report template you can use as your reference to create your company official incident report file. You just need to use Microsoft Word to modify this template.

  Employee Incident Report Form Template (17.8 KiB, 1,677 hits)

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