Hotel maintenance request form is an official form, usually requested by general affair department, to request hotel operation and maintenance department to repair any damages or broken things in any hotel rooms. The action should be taken immediately if particular hotel room is occupied by the time the problem is being reported, where the initial report could come from the guest who stayed in that room.
Common issues are :
– Broken hot/cold water that will make guests can get bath properly
– Broken air condition/heater
– Broken internet connection, usually related with wifi equipment
– Broken television or its remote
– Broken toilet flush
– Broken door lock, either manual or electronic
Those issues above are examples that are usually needed to be addressed quickly. If it happened in low season, it should be easy to allocate other room for them. It could be a real problem if it happened when all rooms are occupied which will require repairing people to solve it directly.
This hotel maintenance request form template can be used either for urgent or low priority situation. In low priority situation, the technician or repair people can manage the time better and put the room under repair situation for one or two days which will prevent it to be occupied. This template consists two forms in one page. You can cut it into two half-letter size after you print it. You can put hotel logo as its background. You can modify it to suit your hotel needs.
Current item written in this form are :
– Record Number
– Reported by
– Date and Requested by and Department
– Room #/Location
– Problem
– Priority (high/medium/low)
– Assigned to
– Completed by
– Remarks
– Time spent and date completed
You can download the file below.
Hotel Maintenance Request Form (15.9 KiB, 1,689 hits)