Infant Feeding Log

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Infant Feeding Log Template for WordThis is an infant feeding log template that you can use to record and track the feeding time of your baby. This record should be useful to prevent you to forget the time you feed your baby. Or, it could be useful if the babies are in childcares where there are different people who fed those babies. Keeping a written log of details such as the frequency, times and amounts at feedings; urine and bowel frequency; unusual reactions; temperatures or medications; and any observations or questions, will help you begin to understand your newborn and his or her emerging feeding/sleeping patterns. And these records can be used as a reference for anyone taking care of the baby in your absence.

Just keep this log in an easy location, so you can find and type feeding activities easily. You can customize this infant feeding log template if you need more information to be added in this template or if you feel the layout is not good enough for you.

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