Catering contract template is the document that contains the agreement of contract between the customer and catering service provider. It can contain some agreements of the service procedures and the payment terms or compensation. So, when taking catering service, you will get this template.
This template can be used between two individuals who do transaction. They are the customer and service provider. The customer is the one who seeking to hire the provider and get catering service. Meanwhile the provider is the one who wants to get hired and complete the certain tasks by customer.
There are some agreements that put on this template. The service agreements that will be signed by those two individuals involve:
• The service data that customer wants. This information must be detail. He also has to mention it on a list.
• There is also agreement about other services that may be taken by customer. It also should be already agreed by the caterer. So, both of customer and caterer have taken deal about those services.
When taking this document, you also will find the term agreement. The service term will be on certain period. You have to mention when the service will be expired. Besides that, both of parties also have to ensure that this agreement has effects and benefits for them. So, you have to ensure about it in this template.
The customer and caterer also will take a deal about the payment term. There are some considerations about the complete payment, expired date, and the properties return. If the customer cannot pay at the right time, so the caterer will take the service cancellation. Then, there is also compensation agreement that will be paid after the service completed. Meanwhile the tax and National Insurance will be the caterer’s responsibility. So, all of this service will be respected by the related Company.
Besides that, the customer will mention the menus that he needs. He also will mention when the menus should be available. Meanwhile if there is any cancellation, there is also the procedure to cancel the service or to change the deal date that has been signed by the customer. In addition, the caterer will return the customer’s properties and documents, if he takes the expired date for completing the payment. Last, the notice will be mentioned later. The notice is about the additional notes that will be made by both of those parties.
To have more understanding about this contract, you can download catering contract sample below written in Microsoft Word. Different business and clients will require different clauses put in the agreement. Be sure that both parties interests are covered to avoid any disputes when something goes wrong.
Catering Contract Template (32.5 KiB, 2,357 hits)