Behavior Contract Template

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Behaviour Contract TemplateFor those who are considered as a teacher, you need to prepare any kind of important things including contract. Yes! It is true you have to prepare a specific contract known as behavior contract. This type of contract is necessary to prepare especially if you are teaching in a hard to manage class.

There are several functions of using this behavior contract. Actually, it is not only good for you but also for your beloved students.

– It helps you to know which students who need your attention.
– You can easily organize your beloved students to do their obligations
– It helps you to give understanding to your student about responsibility
– You can also communicate better with your students
– You can introduce about the rule of the class slowly and in comfort way

Of course, you don’t have to use it if it is not necessary and what you have to do is preparing it. But, you also need to know when will be the right time to use behavior contract.
– You have to use behavior contract if your students are difficult to control
– It is also necessary to use behavior contract if your students show serious behavior problem
– Just use this type of contract to keep them do their tasks, home works, and many more.
– There is also important to use this contract if your students show inconsistent emotion, anxiety, and pressure.

Actually, it is easy for you to find a behavior contract template. You can just go to specific website and then download it. You don’t need to spend your money at all because it is a free download service. The behavior contract template consists of:

– The agreement between the students and you as their teacher. In specific, they are agreed to do several class rules.
– Space to sign. Both, the creator of the contract and the doer of the contract have to sign the contract.
– The accepted goals. It means, a student will be considered successfully following the contract when they do several things written on the contract.
– The agreement about the reward if the students are successfully done the agreement. You can decide the best reward for them.
– Date information and the space for signature. Both, the creator of the contract and the doer of the contract have to sign the contract.

This behavior agreement template below is a sample that you can download and use for your reference. Points written in the contract could be different from your points. Make sure to write all of important things down first, inform your students as well as their parents, type those agreeable points in the contract, before both parties sign it.

  Behavior Contract Template (24.0 KiB, 2,368 hits)

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