Hotel Housekeeping Supervisor Report

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Hotel Housekeeping Supervisor Report TemplateAs a Housekeeping Supervisor, you will be required to submit daily report of all of your subordinate who are being assigned to clean hotel rooms. And you might need a form that can help you summarize all of those tasks.

With this form, you can implement similar standard on how your people is reporting their cleaning tasks. And you can easily check which room that has a problem and which Guest Room Attendance (GRA) that hasn’t completed their tasks.

If you are looking for a reference to create your own form, you can download and look at this hotel housekeeping supervisor report template. It is a landscape form where you can write until up to five housekeepers. You can modify it by reducing the number of columns if you manage less than five housekeepers, or add more columns by copying existing columns.

In this form you can find write information as follows :
– Task date
– Supervisor Name
– Floor #, if your hotel has more than one floor
– GRA name (up until 5 names)
– Room number
– Job Checkboxes. Here, you can check respective check boxes if the job is done without problem or put other codes that have been agreed within your housekeeping department to categorize particular completed task conditions. If your hotel has less than 50 rooms, you can expand this column to accommodate more detail information about respective room condition.

Remember to remind all of your housekeeper employees to put their daily report at the end of their shift period in your desk to ease you summarize all of their jobs in this form.

  Hotel Housekeeping Supervisor Report (16.7 KiB, 1,689 hits)

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