This is a certificate of membership template that any organization/communities/enterprises/stores can use to acknowledge their members. With this certificate, your members should be eligible to use any available facilities or do transactions with additional discounts. This certificate can be given based on membership payment or free as an honor. For organization or community members, they can use this certificate as a printed proof that they are recognized as a member of reputable organization which should be useful for job application or joining some activities that require any experiences in the same fields with those organizations. And usually, there are card membership that is also issued to accompany this certificate. Because it is more reasonable to bring and show membership card instead of bringing certificate if those members plan to use or access some member facilities. For example in hotels, fitness clubs, restaurants, foundations etc.
This template below is a basic template that uses border accessories collection from Microsoft Word. You can replace with your own pictures and modify some words inside this template if you plan to use it as your certificate of membership.
Certificate of Membership (24.6 KiB, 2,388 hits)