After decades, washing hand is becoming a must do protocol in every places. Every person needs to do this to prevent them being contracted with virus, especially Covid19 virus in year 2020.
Going out from your house, before entering your office, before entering your house, basically any time any where.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that everyone always wash their hands to prevent the spread of the corona virus COVID-19. Clean your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol-based liquids. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based cleaning fluids can kill viruses that may be in your hands.

Washing your hands can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory infections and diarrhea from one person to another.
Germs can spread from other people or surfaces when you:
- Touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Eat or prepare food and drinks by hand that is not washed.
- Touching a contaminated surface or object.
- Pitching, coughing, or sneezing into the hands and then touching other people’s hands or objects. According to WHO, washing hands cleanly takes about 20-30 seconds.
Follow the 7 steps to wash your hands properly according to WHO to prevent viral, germ, and bacterial infections.
- Wet your hands and pour or apply soap products in the palm of the hand.
- Squeeze the palms together and rub the soap product that has been poured.
- Place your right palm on the back of your left hand with your intertwined fingers and repeat for the opposite.
- Place the right palm to the left palm with fingers interlocked.
- Right and left hands hold each other and fingers interlock so the soap hits the nail and base of the finger.
- Rub the left thumb using the right hand and vice versa.
- Rub the fingers of the right hand held in the left palm and vice versa. Dry your hands and your hands are safe from dirt.
WHO Hand Wash If under certain conditions, there is no water and soap or cannot use water and soap to clean hands, another solution is to use a hand sanitizer.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using hand sanitizers based on at least 60 percent alcohol. Although it can help reduce the number of germs on the hands quickly, hand sanitizers cannot eliminate all types of germs, not as effectively as washing hands. Hand sanitizer also can not remove dirt and oil on the hands. How to use a hand sanitizer is quite easy. After applying the gel to the hands, rub the surface of the hands, fingers and between the fingers until the hands dry.
Hand Washing Poster Template
If your company or your neighborhood need a poster to be put in particular area to remind people to wash their hands, they can download and use these templates below. It uses Microsoft Word where you can modify its words to meet your needs. It has A3 paper size. You can print and laminate them if you want to put it outdoor.
Handwashing Poster Template - Model 1 (440.6 KiB, 510 hits)
Handwashing Poster Template - Model 2 (436.0 KiB, 443 hits)
Handwashing Poster for Kids (595.0 KiB, 484 hits)