2018 Calendar Templates

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2018 Calendar Template for WordThese are calendar templates for year 2018. All templates are fully editable. You just need Microsoft Word to start edit and customize them. You can mark your own events, add important event information, modify to have various layout, etc. You can adjust them to have it as insertion for your books.

There are several new 2018 calendar template models that might suit your particular purposes.

2018 Year Calendar Templates

Basic Model

This is the oldest but the most popular model. It is released for the first time in year 2010. Its basic month table arrangement are kept as it is as you can see in the first image above. Although plenty of new models are released since then, still this calendar is the most downloaded calendar template. It is a plain calendar which give people more flexibility on customizing it. It is just a 12 month table calendar within one letter size page without area for notes.

  2018 Calendar Template - Basic Model (31.0 KiB, 1,592 hits)

Model with Notes at the Bottom

2018 Calendar Template for Word - Bottom Notes

This is an alternative model of above calendar. There is an area for writing important information at the bottom of the calendar. If you want to create a calendar and put holiday/event information within the same page, this is your choice. You can mark particular dates by changing its cell background and font colors with your own color and put respective information in notes are below.

  2018 Calendar Template - Bottom Notes Model (33.0 KiB, 991 hits)

Linear Model

2018 Calendar Template for Word - Linear

This calendar is gaining its popularity since 2013. It fits people who plan to mark their important dates in a straight line.

  2018 Calendar Template - Linear Model (24.8 KiB, 996 hits)

  2018 Calendar Template - Linear Model - A3 Size (25.5 KiB, 800 hits)

2018 Calendar Template for Word - Linear Monthly

To accommodate more lines, I decided to create a new calendar and separate each month lines into multiple lines by allocating one page for one month. It gives you flexibility on writing more events that happen within one particular month. You can see screenshot of this new calendar below.

  2018 Calendar Template - Monthly - Linear (125.1 KiB, 721 hits)

Model with Dates Connected in Vertical View

2018 Calendar Template for Word - Connected Dates

You can see image below to understand what “connected dates” means. It fits students who wants to mark their important dates, like exams, continuously. Yes, you can use marker to mark it continuously. It could fits employees who plan to mark their passing task days.

  2018 Calendar Template - Connected Dates (30.0 KiB, 889 hits)

2018 Monthly Calendar Templates

I have just finished the standard model of this calendar. I plan to create several new models, but I think this standard model should be enough for the beginning. As usual, there are two models with different paper size orientation (portrait and landscape) and 12 models of individual month calendar.

2018 Calendar Template for Word - Monthly

All months in one single Microsoft Word file:

  2018 Calendar Template - Monthly - Portrait (39.0 KiB, 1,219 hits)

  2018 Calendar Template - Monthly - Landscape (35.5 KiB, 1,772 hits)

One Microsoft Word only contains one month:

  January 2018 (22.2 KiB, 952 hits)

  February 2018 (22.0 KiB, 1,055 hits)

  March 2018 (22.1 KiB, 754 hits)

  April 2018 (22.4 KiB, 1,116 hits)

  May 2018 (22.1 KiB, 975 hits)

  June 2018 (22.0 KiB, 974 hits)

  July 2018 (22.5 KiB, 718 hits)

  August 2018 (22.2 KiB, 838 hits)

  September 2018 (22.2 KiB, 893 hits)

  October 2018 (22.1 KiB, 731 hits)

  November 2018 (22.1 KiB, 705 hits)

  December 2018 (23.9 KiB, 756 hits)

There are several models that you may have it for year 2017 but not available for year 2018 yet. I will try to create and publish it soon.

Remember that all 2018 calendar templates are copyrighted. You can use for your personal and company purposes but you are not allowed to distribute it by removing our copyright notice for commercial purposes.

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