True False Quiz Sheet

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True False Quiz Sheet Model 3True false quiz is a quiz that requires test-takers or respondents to provide only one out of two possible answers: true and false based on their judgment of a certain statement or question. True false quiz is often considered a simplified version of a multiple choice quiz. Given that there are only two possible answers for its questions, true false quiz allows test-takers to use very little time to answer a particular question or quiz item. The structure of a true false quiz may have a yes and no answer as a substitute for its generic true and false answer.

This true false quiz template is intended to be used by everyone who frequently designs this type of quiz, mostly school teachers. True false quiz involves very simple designing and a template is rarely needed; however, for people who frequently create it, using a template will make their frequent task to create this quiz less tedious. This template will also be helpful for people who don’t want to be troubled by the table function of any word-processing programs.

Due to its simplicity and efficiency, true false quiz has been widely used in educational, marketing and political fields. You will need this true false quiz template if:
1. You are a teacher who needs a true false quiz section to supplement your multiple choice and essay quizzes.
2. You are a marketing researcher who needs to create questionnaires that respondents can answer quickly and straightforwardly.
3. You are creating a ballot for an election. The most prominent example of the utilization of this quiz in political affairs is in various references held in various British dependencies, where citizens can give a yes or no answer to decide whether they will remain under British sovereignty.

This template consists primarily of the following elements.
1. A quiz title that can be edited easily
2. Quiz items, which are usually—but not always—questions
3. True and false answers
Both the quiz items and answers are placed in a table consisting of three primary columns (one for quiz items and two for yes and no answers).

Template is designed to allow the creation of a certain document to be easier and quicker. This template fulfills such task perfectly. Besides, this template is free to use. Users can download it for free without having to sign up. This is why this template is considered useful. There are several models available where you can download and edit it using Microsoft Word easily.

True False Quiz Sheet Model 1

Model 1

  True False Quiz Template (18.1 KiB, 2,262 hits)

  True False Quiz Template - Model 2 (17.3 KiB, 1,404 hits)

  True False Quiz Template - Model 3 (17.3 KiB, 1,278 hits)

(You can see Model 3 image in the first picture in this article)

True False Quiz Sheet Model 4

Model 4

  True False Quiz Template - Model 4 (16.9 KiB, 1,243 hits)

  True False Quiz Template - Model 5 (17.1 KiB, 1,036 hits)

True False Quiz Sheet Model 6

Model 6


  True False Quiz Template - Model 6 (17.6 KiB, 1,010 hits)

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