Vehicle Bill of Sale

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Vehicle Bill of Sale Template for WordThis is a standard vehicle bill of sale template that you can use as a legal document to legalize a vehicle transaction between the seller and the buyer. For the seller, a bill of sale provides proof that title to the vehicle has been legally transferred. For the buyer, the bill of sale documents the purchase price of the vehicle for sales tax purposes. The bill of sale should contain:

  • name, address, and signature of both the seller and the buyer;
  • complete vehicle description, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN);
  • purchase price of the vehicle;
  • additional agreed term and condition; if any;

Those information is needed to prevent any disputes that may arise in the future when the vehicle has changed its owner. There is a need of a notary when you do the transaction in several US states. Be sure that you understand the US states policy when you plan to sell your car. Use this vehicle bill of sale template properly, and feel free to modify to comply your state policy.

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