Weekly 8 Hour Shift Schedule

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Weekly 8 Hour Shift Schedule Template for Word8 hour is the most common period being used for shift work, due to its easiness on rolling people and following the government employment policy. You can give the same 5 days work and two days off every week if you’re selecting this method.

This is a weekly 8 hour shift schedule template for you who roll your employees to work in three shifts where each shift is 8 hours long. This is not an automatic template that will help you calculate and manage your shift work schedule. It is just a word template that will help you write the name of your employee, put marks on related name based on their schedule within a week and distribute it to your employee.

If you deploy a different shift period but your company still divide its daily working into three shift a day, you still can use this template and change the time length from eight hour to your hour.

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  Weekly Employee 8 Hour Shift Schedule Template - Mon to Sat (59.0 KiB, 1,746 hits)

  Weekly Employee 8 Hour Shift Schedule Template - Mon to Sun (66.0 KiB, 5,198 hits)

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