A T-chart is a T-shaped chart that is used to compare two different facets of a single topic. It has been widely used in many studies. In language studies, for instance, it is used to compare two groups of words of two different languages. It can also be used to compare the features of two different products. A comparison between an Android phone an Apple gadget, for example, can be explained more lucidly if a T-chart is used. In general, a T-chart can be used to explore two different sides of a story, such as advantages vs. disadvantages, facts vs. opinions and truths vs. misconceptions. The side-by-side structure of a T-chart allows the comprehension of both opposing aspects of the story to be straightforward.
This T-chart template is a simple template that further simplifies the creation of a T-chart template. A T-chart template is already simple to create because it consists primarily of two columns with a title for each. By using this Word template, which can be used with all word-processing programs, the creation of a T-chart will be even easier and quicker. Students, writers and researchers who need the chart will certainly find this template useful.
This T-chart template is a handy tool for people who are studying a certain topic and wish to get a clearer picture of two different aspects of that topic easily. You will almost certainly need this template if:
1. You are a student who is assigned to elaborate—for example—the advantages and disadvantages of using a certain learning technique.
2. You are a math student who needs a handy diagram to list the x and y values of all equations you are working on.
3. You are an accountant who uses a T-chart to record all transactions with all credit entries going on the right and all debit entries going on the left.
This T-chart template consists of the following elements.
1. A title determining the topic being elaborated
2. A title for the left and right columns respectively to determine the two opposing aspects of the topic that will be compared
3. An empty field under each respective title where more elaborate explanation of the opposing aspects of the topic is written. The empty field can be filled with necessary explanation digitally before the chart is printed or using a pen after it is printed.
T-Chart (13.1 KiB, 1,245 hits)
T-Chart Model 2 (13.5 KiB, 1,006 hits)