One Day Conference Schedule

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One Day Conference Schedule Template for WordConference schedule is a schedule that you usually receive with full of information when you are attending a conference. You can read short information when and where the conference is being held, how long the conference will be held, how long the session will take time before coffee break, what the topic is and who the speaker is.

This is a one-day conference schedule template that you can use for those purposes, if you or your company intended to arrange and manage those conference events. Instead of informing its participant about conference information, you can use this template as an advertisement to be put in newspapers/magazines or to be pinned in any school/university walls to attract more participants. There are only three columns available. You can fill the session time in the first column, topics in the second column and the speakers in the third column. Remember to adjust the title name for its column and don’t forget to insert coffee or lunch break information after one or two sessions. And you can put any gimmick to make all audiences stay in their seats until the end of the conference, for example, a door prize drawing.

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