If you have web design business, you need to have the Web Design Price List to be shown to your potential client. Your client will need it because everybody has a different budget and price to choose. By creating packages and put it on your price list, you can give your client more options and they can choose one that is more suitable for them.
Since web design is different from other businesses, you need a different price list. This template for Web Design Price List is made to be informative to your client. It doesn’t only show the list of each package you offer but you can also put description of each package on the bottom part. With it, your clients not only see the names and prices of the packages but also they will know what they can expect from the packages. It would save your time and energy because you do not have to explain the whole package unless they ask you. The price list is also good when you have clients in distance so that you only need to send it to them and let them read it then decide.
You can modify this template to make it fit your web design business. There are three templates with different layouts where each templates 97/2003 and 2007/2010 word version. To start using this template, put your business identity on top of the templates, or you can add your business image as background image. Then, you can start to put your package and price inside the tables. You can add rows and columns if you need more places to put your information, or you can remove unnecessary rows/columns if you have more than enough spaces to put all of your package information.
Web Design Price List Template - 4 Columns - Portrait (Excel 97/2003) (38.5 KiB, 1,139 hits)
Web Design Price List Template - 4 Columns - Portrait (Excel 2007/2010) (17.6 KiB, 1,052 hits)
Web Design Price List Template - 6 Columns - Landscape (Excel 97/2003) (38.5 KiB, 944 hits)
Web Design Price List Template - 6 Columns - Landscape (Excel 2007/2010) (17.7 KiB, 1,107 hits)
Web Design Price List Template - 7 Columns - Landscape (Excel 97/2003) (29.0 KiB, 904 hits)
Web Design Price List Template - 7 Columns - Landscape (Excel 2007/2010) (17.3 KiB, 1,115 hits)