Sushi is a Japanese delicacy consisting of cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients. The term sushi comes from an archaic grammatical form no longer use; literally, sushi means “sour-tasting”, a reflection of its historic fermented roots. The ancient form of sushi is fermented fish and rice, preserved with salt in a process that has been traced to Southeast Asia, where it remains popular today. There are many variations of sushi that being served today and for some people, sushi is a good alternative for daily food consumption. The common ingredient across all the different kinds of sushi is sushi rice. The variety in sushi arises from the different fillings and toppings, condiments, and their preparation. The same ingredients may be assembled in a traditional or a contemporary way, creating a very different final result. Traditionally, sushi is served on minimalist Japanese-style, geometric, mono- or duo-tone wood or lacquer plates, in keeping with the aesthetic qualities of this cuisine.
Many sushi restaurants offer fixed-price sets of sushi menu. Because of uncommon menu for non Asia, or non Japanese people, usually sushi restaurants show the menu with the pictures to give their guests a brief description about how the sushi food will look like. This sushi menu template will give you better ideas on how creating those menus if you plan to serve sushi as one of your restaurant foods. You can use this template as simple as adding the pictures and write the name, description and price, or you can modify page background, tables, fonts and colors to follow your restaurant style.
Sushi Menu (50.5 KiB, 1,501 hits)