BIN Card

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BIN Card TemplateBIN card is a card that shows the balance of the stock in a store. Bin card shows the quantity of the stock and not its value, making it a handy note for storekeeper to maintain the stores and to monitor the stock. A bin card is often compared with a store ledger and in many instances, the maintenance of the latter is enough to abandon the maintenance of bin card. This, however, is not true because unlike store ledger, bin card is always kept up-to-date because posting of transactions is done before those transactions take place. A bin card is a handy record for a storekeeper whereas a ledger is for a costing department.

This bin card template is used to conveniently, easily and quickly prepare bin cards. Because a bin card is kept inside the store, most parts of the template will be left empty before a storekeeper post transactions on it using pen. The only field in the template that must be filled before it is printed is the storage location and item information fields. Because only small part of the template needs to be filled digitally, which is not always necessary if the storekeeper decides to fill those fields after printing, the template requires fairly small modification before it can be printed. This makes the template a rather easy tool that almost everyone can use to create a bin card.

Do I Need This Bin Card Template?
If you are a storekeeper, you will need this template to create your bin card. In some companies, storekeepers are provided with a store ledger in lieu of a bin card. This is actually against the basic principles of store keeping and accounting because a ledger contains information about value in addition to information about quantity. Anything related to value is actually costing department’s responsibility. Store keepers have nothing to do with it and are only responsible for the difference in the physical stock and the stock recorded in the bin card. If you are a storekeeper, a bin card is the only record that you need. For that reason, you will also need this template to create the card.

What Does the Template Contain?
This bin card template consists of the following components.
1.    A field identifying the store’s location and other characteristics
2.    A field identifying stock information
3.    A table where stock’s balance is recorded.

If you are looking for a reference to create it, you can download one sample below.

  BIN Card (17.1 KiB, 2,805 hits)

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