Incoming Goods Inspection Report

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Incoming Goods Inspection Report TemplateIf you are buying items in large quantity, either for sales or internal use purposes, as Head of Logistic department, you must check those items one by one to make sure that all items are delivered as ordered. It is not an easy task since some items might need more thorough testing, like electronic items where some functions needs to be tested by your company’s engineers.

If it is related to physical condition, usually you will get a full authorization to test and decide whether they acceptable or need to be replaced/returned. For example, if you are receiving brochures or flyers as ordered by your Marketing department, as logistic people, you just have to count the number of brochures and flyers and check whether the printed image is similar with what has been ordered. Usually, you don’t have to check its content since they should pass the approval process from Marketing Department.

In this form, you can find item description as follows :

  • Supplier Name, Code and Address
  • Purchase Order Number and Date
  • Goods Received Date
  • Goods Description and Acceptance Test Status
  • Summarize of receiving goods (tested, accepted, rejected, returned)

In some cases, you may need to be accompanied by other departments as well. It is to make sure that the acceptance is done correctly. For example, if you received electronic devices and you need to test it using a Voltmeter or Oscilloscope, you may ask engineering people to help you operating those measurement devices to prevent any incorrect measurement.

You can add more information or remove unnecessary information in this form. Don’t forget to move the information into your excel file for further calculation process. You may need it as a report to your superior for future planning.

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