Hotel Room Discrepancy Report

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Hotel Room Discrepancy Report Template for WordHotel room discrepancy report is a form with information on discrepancy found between guests and hotel officers on counted inventory item inside guests’ room. Usually this form is given to hotel guest when they are checking out and they found that there are item inside the bill that they didn’t consume or use it, like mini bar snacks and soft drinks. Other items are hotel amenities which are usually checked by hotel housekeepers while guests are waiting for their checkout bills.

As a hotel guest, you must be careful with those amenities and mini bars. Sometimes you might not plan to consume snacks from mini bar, but you didn’t notice that your kids drink it and didn’t inform you. Or, your wife/husband packed hotel towel into your luggage since they have similar color with yours. That’s why you must double check your luggage and ask your kids about what they have consumed or you will argue with hotel receptionist about your bill.

As a hotel officer, especially housekeeper, you must be careful also about counting all mini bar items and amenities. Any miscalculation will cause your guests to pay for something they didn’t use or consume. As part of daily report, this is one of important report since it will be used as a proof document either for hotel manager or guest that there are discrepancies have been signed to write loss inventory off.

This hotel discrepancy report is designed as common as possible. It has letter size with two forms within one paper size. You can modify it to meet your own hotel needs.

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