It is very often people are getting confused when they want to leave your places, especially if your office/location is in a building and have different doors for entrance and exit. Without any exit signs, they usually will try to open every door or going to wrong direction. This is why you have to put exit signs on your exit doors. It doesn’t have to be expensive or printed nicely because only the word “Exit” that will be read and understood by people who are looking for it.
Each countries apply different policy on the design of the sign as well as the location where any building management people has to put it. Most common design you usually see is green light with white font and it is located on top of any exit doors. These are signs that you must order to specific printing/signage companies.
If you are looking for a quick or a temporary solution to have exit signs to be put on your exit doors, you can download and use these exit sign templates created using Microsoft Word. With these templates, you don’t have to rely on printing company to create it for you. And you don’t have to go to book stores to buy it. You just have to print it in photo paper and you can stick it on your door in no time.
There are models with arrow pictures and models with words that you can choose to print and use. Feel free to customize it.
Exit Sign Model 1 (16.2 KiB, 1,463 hits)
Exit Sign Model 2 (19.3 KiB, 1,278 hits)
Exit Sign Model 3 (19.3 KiB, 1,185 hits)