Questionnaire Template

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Questionnaire Form Word TemplateThe survey is good to produce a description of mass population so when you want to know personal strength and weakness of people in a certain area, you need to make personal strength and weakness survey. To conduct the survey, you will need Questionnaire Checklist template to help you create the questionnaire for the survey.

The template is simple and very easy to use. You only need to write the description of people’s ability in a specific area at “what to do” line on the Questionnaire checklist. For example, you can ask people whether they have the strength or weakness in leadership, organizing, etc. Then, you can modify the template by adding information about the survey and more instructions for the interviewees in filling the questionnaire. You can print the questionnaire so you can spread it directly to the interviewees or you can send it via email to save your, time, energy, and of course, the papers.

When making the questionnaire, you need to consider the purpose of your survey and condition of the interviewees. You should not make leading questions because it could influence the result of your survey and finally make your Questionnaire Checklist useful without making any offense to anyone. However, you need to be aware that in the survey, people may not give you the true answers.

This template below is a sample created using Microsoft Word that you can download for free. You can replace the satisfaction answers with your own terms. To add more rows into the template, you can use the copy and paste row function in Microsoft Word. Be sure to check all item before you print it to prevent any duplicates question which should confuse your respondents.

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