Plumbing Invoice

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Plumbing Invoice Template for WordPlumbing is the skilled trade of working with pipes, tubing and plumbing fixtures for drinking water systems and the drainage of waste. Someone who installs or repairs piping systems, plumbing fixtures and equipment is called a plumber.  Plumbing can be referred to a system of pipes and fixtures installed in a building or houses for the distribution of  water and the removal of waterborne wastes. Plumbing works could be done by a person or a company who manages a group of plumbers where they take orders from companies or houses.

If you plan to serve this plumbing job as a person, you could download this template to help you charging your customers. There are two types of plumbing invoice available.

  Plumbing Invoice - Lumpsum Labor (96.5 KiB, 4,005 hits)

You can use this invoice template to charge your customers based on finished project regardless of the time length needed to finish it. Usually, you have to make an obvious deal with your customer before you take the job.

  Plumbing Invoice - Hourly Labor (96.0 KiB, 2,634 hits)

This invoice template could be used you are being paid after you finish your plumbing job based on the total amount of time you needed to complete your work.

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