In this modern life, there are plenty of electronic tools that ease the process of employee sign in. From card access, finger print, eye and face recognition, and other. This tools basically simplify the sign-in process and help Human Resource department to monitor their company employee discipline, where they can access and process the data from this electronic attendance tool directly at any time. The most common one you can see almost on any big companies are card attendance system. This system is the first and the popular electronic tool before the rise of finger print and other tools.
But, there are some old-fashioned companies that still using papers for monitoring their employee attendance. And also sometimes, electronic systems are not reliable as papers, where usually there are still some papers available to be used for backups when there is a problem with the tool or electricity.
There are several sign in sheet templates you can download and customize before you use it as your company sign in sheet.
Employee Sign In Sheet - 2 Columns (42.0 KiB, 2,142 hits)
Employee Sign In Sheet - 3 Columns (43.0 KiB, 1,903 hits)
Employee Sign In Sheet - 4 Columns (44.0 KiB, 1,795 hits)
Employee Sign In Sheet - 5 Columns (58.0 KiB, 1,780 hits)
Employee Sign In Sheet - 5 Columns - 2 (58.0 KiB, 1,651 hits)