2016 Calendar Templates

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2016 Year Calendar Template - WordThese are calendar templates created using Microsoft Word that you can use to arrange your plan for year 2016.

2016 Calendar Year Template.

It is a template that is used to create a yearly calendar that shows all months on one page. This calendar is necessary because many important events and appointments that will take place in one entire year often have to be scheduled and organized properly using a dedicated calendar instead of a generic one. As a Microsoft Word template, 2016 calendar yearly template can be edited and modified using any word processing programs. It is also possible to print the template straight without modifying it if necessary marks will be put on it using a pen. As a letter-size template, it can be printed using any types of printer.

Do I Need This Template
If you are among the following groups of people, you will mostly need this template.
1.    Students and teachers who need a handy tool to organize their study schedules and class assignments
2.    Businesspersons and accountants whose fiscal year starts in January (those whose fiscal year doesn’t start in January should be able to modify the template with ease)
3.    People who need a scheduler to plan their wedding ceremony, overseas trip, and other activities
4.    Consultants and other service providers who have to organize appointments with their clients

How to Use This Template
This yearly calendar template can be used in the following ways.
1.    It can be used to create a digital calendar that is used digitally without printing it.
2.    It can be used to create a calendar that is modified digitally using word-processing program before being printed.
3.    It can be printed immediately and marks can be added later to it using a pen, a marker, stickers, or pins.

Why Should This Template Be Used?
A yearly calendar is widely available at stores, yet using this template is considered a more viable option because of the following reasons.
1.    This template is free. Downloading and using it cost nothing.
2.    Microsoft Word and other word-processing programs that can be used to modify this template are among the user-friendliest and the most accessible programs both for professionals and commoners. Almost everyone can modify this template using those programs with ease.
3.    This template is comparable to the one available on Microsoft Office website. Unlike the latter, however, it can be used by non-Microsoft Word users as well as those who don’t have a Microsoft account to download Microsoft Office templates.

You can download the file below.

  2016 Year Calendar (27.4 KiB, 8,130 hits)

If you are looking for other one page 2016 calendar models, you can download several new and originally designed templates below. These calendars below are fully editable where you can personalize its fonts, colors, table properties and backgrounds to meet your own your personal style.


2016 Calendar Templates with Bottom Notes

2016 Year Calendar with Bottom Notes - Portrait

You can put important dates at the bottom of this one page calendar and change date color (font or cell color) in the calendar.

  2016 Year Calendar with Bottom Notes - Portrait (26.8 KiB, 2,088 hits)


2016 Calendar Templates with Side Notes – Portrait

2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes - Portrait

This one has the same outlook with the original calendar, except there is a notes column at the right side of the calendar where you can type or write important dates as well as important notes.

  2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes - Portrait (26.5 KiB, 2,004 hits)


2016 Calendar Templates with Side Notes – Landscape

2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes 2 - Landscape

There are 3 template variations available for this model. First template will have notes table at the right side, second is at the left side, third will have background to give you idea on how to personalize it using your own background. Remember to change dates color if calendar tables are on the dark/bright side of your background image.

  2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes - Landscape (444.7 KiB, 1,634 hits)

  2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes - Landscape 2 (29.4 KiB, 1,413 hits)

  2016 Year Calendar with Side Notes - Landscape 3 (29.5 KiB, 1,321 hits)


2016 Calendar Template – Monthly

It is a Microsoft Word template that can be used to create a monthly calendar, i.e. a calendar consisting of 12 pages with each page representing one particular month of the year. Every page of it consists of a large calendar table with highlighted headers, which signify the days of the week, and empty cells with small date numbers in them. The cells are where marks and notes reminding appointments and events can be created. Because a letter-size page consists only of one large table, the cells are so spacious that multiple notes can be written on them with no trouble. The 2016 calendar monthly template is a calendar template that is free and quick to download and easy to modify and to print.

2016 Monthly Calendar - Word

Why Is This Monthly Calendar Template Useful?
There are several reasons why using this monthly calendar template is a great idea.
1.    As a monthly calendar, it offers larger space to make either digital or written notes than that provided by a yearly calendar.
2.    The calendar is clean with no holiday marks printed on it. Necessary marks and notes can be placed on its cells digitally using a word processor or physically after the calendar is printed.
3.    The calendar is easy to use. Microsoft Word or another word-processing program can be used to easily modify and print it.

What Does This Template Offer?
This Monthly Template offers the following features.
1.    12 pages with each representing a particular month of the year
Each page of the template shows only one specific month. Therefore, users can focus on planning all events and appointments that are scheduled to take place in that particular month.
2.    Because one page only shows one month, which means there are many large cells in the page’s columns and rows, there will be plenty of space to make notes and to write reminders.
3.    The header column and row are highlighted for easier reading and marking.

With this template, the only thing to be concerned with is that users have to leaf through the calendar pages to access a particular month. However, because there is plenty of space to make notes, which consequently prevent the calendar from being too cluttered, the sacrifice is always worth the effort.

This monthly calendar template by no means is always better than a yearly calendar template, which is also available as free downloadable template. Both templates are usable and one can be better than the other depending on the nature of the scheduling task.

  2016 Monthly Calendar - Portrait (36.0 KiB, 2,406 hits)

  2016 Monthly Calendar - Landscape (32.9 KiB, 3,779 hits)

  January 2016 Calendar (19.2 KiB, 1,615 hits)

  February 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,339 hits)

  March 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,247 hits)

  April 2016 Calendar (19.0 KiB, 1,142 hits)

  May 2016 Calendar (19.1 KiB, 1,565 hits)

  June 2016 Calendar (19.0 KiB, 1,411 hits)

  July 2016 Calendar (19.0 KiB, 1,243 hits)

  August 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,191 hits)

  September 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,119 hits)

  October 2016 Calendar (19.1 KiB, 1,095 hits)

  November 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,295 hits)

  December 2016 Calendar (18.9 KiB, 1,202 hits)


There are second model you can download where they have different outlook from above calendar templates. It has landscape orientation with additional notes table at the left side of the calendar, but there is no decent room for writing additional information below the dates as you usually see in the original one.

2016 Monthly Calendar with Notes - March

As you can see in picture above, I put a wise word text box below the calendar. You can remove the text box if you don’t want to use it or you can replace it with your own words.

  January 2016 Calendar - Landscape (184.6 KiB, 1,215 hits)

  February 2016 Calendar - Landscape (182.8 KiB, 1,098 hits)

  March 2016 Calendar - Landscape (184.3 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  April 2016 Calendar - Landscape (182.5 KiB, 1,026 hits)

  May 2016 Calendar - Landscape (182.9 KiB, 1,121 hits)

  June 2016 Calendar - Landscape (182.7 KiB, 1,056 hits)

  July 2016 Calendar - Landscape (184.4 KiB, 1,154 hits)

  August 2016 Calendar - Landscape (183.1 KiB, 1,233 hits)

  September 2016 Calendar - Landscape (184.3 KiB, 1,161 hits)

  October 2016 Calendar - Landscape (183.2 KiB, 1,149 hits)

  November 2016 Calendar - Landscape (183.1 KiB, 1,156 hits)

  December 2016 Calendar - Landscape (183.6 KiB, 1,150 hits)

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