2020 Calendar Template

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Here it is. 2020 calendar template in Microsoft Word. Download and print the file in your preferred paper size. Then, insert them into your notebook or stick on your desk.

Common usage for this template is as a plain calendar where people can write their plan before putting them into Word, Excel or phone apps. Because, it is easier to put this on the table where people can surround you and give you their opinion.

2020 Calendar Template

Also, it is faster to get this paper template compare with apps, especially if you are in summer camp, or in place where you can’t use your phone or laptop. Or, if you are on vacation where you want to get rid of your gadgets and needs calendar to plan your journey.

Since some of you already use previous templates regularly, we don’t have to explain it more.

As usual, there are two models of 2020 calendar templates. One page with all months and dates inside the calendar, they are arranged in tabular arrangement, and the other models are monthly calendars where some spaces are spared within date boxes. Each word page contains one month of calendar. There are 12 pages of 2020 calendar pages. In this year, we added another model of monthly calendar that you can see below. It is a year calendar with bigger fonts where you can use it as monthly calendar.

Since they are written in Microsoft Word, you can modify them before printing them. They are all created using table menu. Use table menu if you want to adjust their width and height.

2020 calendar templates are free to use. Feel free to add logo or images in this template.

  2020 Year Calendar Template (38.3 KiB, 503 hits)

  2020 Monthly Calendar Template - Model 1 (35.0 KiB, 373 hits)

  2020 Monthly Calendar Template - Model 2 (30.6 KiB, 421 hits)

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