This 2014 Year Calendar template is a simple one-page Microsoft Word Calendar that you can directly print without changing anything, mark some dates, and stick it on your wall. Or, you can just fold it to keep it inside your wallet. The same with the previous 2013 version, except the dates, there is no change with the layout at all. You can customize this calendar by changing its border and font color, and fill the cell with your own color for marking any important dates.
And as mention before, this is just an ordinary calendar. Usually people who use this calendar just try to print this calendar as it is, make several copies, and then use it for rough planning purposes or reference only. You can print it in smaller or bigger paper size (A3 or poster size). Be careful when you plan to change column or row size since there are some custom setting applied in those tables which only can be change through table properties.
If you need more advance templates, you can download Microsoft Excel version that will give you more flexibility on dates customization. Or, if you are still looking for Word version but give you flexibility on typing important dates information, you can download 2014 Monthly Calendar version.
2014 Calendar (121.5 KiB, 2,093 hits)