Attorney Cover Letter

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Cover Letter Template - AttorneyAn attorney is a person who offers a service related to law. This position is often known as a lawyer. Its main job is to give some advise toward its clients if they have a problem in lawlessness. In addition, they also represent a client in a form of defense to solve a case. In this case, they usually conduct it either outside or inside a court. Of course, there are still some more jobs that they must do. Let’s say they need to do a research on constitution, write a number of legal documents, investigate facts of a case, and many others.

In writing an attorney cover letter, we must not forget the experiences we have gained. The more experiences we include, the better our letter will become. The purpose of it is to attract the firm we apply for. The letter below is the sample of a cover letter you can use to apply for this job.

Dear Sir,

Based on the information I got from my friend, your company is opening an opportunity of a job application for attorney position. As a high skilled attorney, I am glad to fill that position.

I have worked as a well-experienced attorney for about 10 years. For that time period, I have successfully defended a number of clients in finishing their cases in a court. I am trusted as a spokesman by several companies. During my job as an attorney, I also learn a lot of things. I have a great ability in negotiating. My advises always being considered by all the companies I was working with. My main focus is to defend and protect human’s rights. I am willing to give my service for free to people who are weak and poor. I realize that your company has that type of service. That is the reason why I really want to join as a part of your group.

With all the skills and knowledge I have, I believe I am a perfect candidate for your company vacant position. Therefore, I am looking forward to your response about the time we could arrange for an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


As this letter is just a sample, you must create a cover letter that filled with your strong points and briefly describe about yourself. Remember that Human Resources people will only read all applicant’s cover letters quickly before they read their attached resume and give you a chance for an interview. Below is Microsoft Word version of attorney cover letter template.

  Cover Letter - Attorney (23.0 KiB, 713 hits)

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