2015/2016 Academic Calendar Templates

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2015-2016 Academic Calendar - WordGeorgian calendar always start from 1st of January, and it is usually being used as a starting date for many activities around the world. The most common one, company fiscal year starting date. But, there is a different story for school activities. Most of schools are using mid year as their references to start their school activities. July and August are the common ones. There is the reason why you see plenty academic calendars are not starting from January. And because of every schools have different agenda regarding their school holiday, exams period, class period, etc, they need a blank academic calendar where they can put their own agenda in it before distributing it to their teachers, students, administrative employees, and all related parties.

All school activities should be planned well and commonly you will see all activities for the next one academic year. It will help teachers to prepare their lessons. It will help students to organize their time. And it will help parents to adjust their vacation time with their children’s school holidays.

These academic calendar templates below are created using Microsoft Word where you can edit it easily to suit your school needs. You can change its color, add your school logo, mark some dates, etc. Or, you can print this calendar as it is and marking it manually. You can also create a school activity table to accompany this calendar where you can describe your school activities on respective marking dates. All calendar tables are arranged using Microsoft Word table properties. If you want to add some spaces or modify their position, for example you have different starting month, you should adjust it from its table properties.

There are 4 types of 2015/2016 academic calendar templates you can download. Two of them will have July 2015 as their starting months, while others will start from August 2015.

  Academic Calendar July 2015 - June 2016 (28.2 KiB, 1,299 hits)

  Academic Calendar July 2015 - July 2016 (32.5 KiB, 1,078 hits)

  Academic Calendar August 2015 - July 2016 (31.0 KiB, 1,342 hits)

  Academic Calendar August 2015 - August 2016 (32.6 KiB, 1,125 hits)

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