The prenuptial agreement is a written contract created by two people before they get married. This agreement is made to separate properties of the two married people as well as specifying the rights on particular properties after marriage. Prenup can be created alone but asking help of professional will be better. Prenuptial agreement is also known as:
• Prenup or prenup agreement
• Premarital agreement
• Marital asset protection agreement
• Antenuptial agreement
• Separate spousal property agreement
• Separate property agreement
Who Will Need Prenuptial Agreement?
Basically, only couples who will get married are suggested to find the prenuptial agreement template and het a real one. To be more precise, the following people need to consider getting prenuptial agreement for their own good:
• The couples who contemplate marriage and wish to be able to explain the rights and obligations of each person.
• If one person earns more and has significant properties compare to the other person.
• If a couple or just one of them has been married before.
• The people who have children from previous marriage.
What Will Be Covered in the Agreement?
Prenuptial agreement can be a complicated thing because many things will need to be properly considered. It is recommended for a couple to sit together and discuss about it further. Many things regarding properties and finance such as protection against debts can be included. Basically, a prenuptial agreement will include:
• Information about spouse.
• The marital status of spouse and children (if there are any from the previous marriage).
• Properties, income and debts need to be furthermore arranged. Couples need to sit down and discuss about this matter. Will the income be shared or what? If there are debts, wit these debts be shared? If a property is a family inheritance, one might want to keep it separated.
• What will happen when spouse divorced? The answer to this question needs to be thought properly.
• What will happen if one spouse dies? Planning is important for better for both wife and husband and of course for the entire family.
Why Is It Important to Get Prenuptial Agreement?
Prenuptial agreement is beneficial to protect properties and get protection against debts. The benefits will be felt later and will prevent arguments on properties when spouse will divorce. The prenuptial agreement will be effective right away after a marriage. To protect your interests completely, you should consult with your lawyer to create a legal one. But, if you are looking a prenuptial agreement sample to learn more about how it looks and common clauses included in the agreement you can download one sample below.
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