A delivery receipt is a document that has been signed by the person receiving goods to show that they have been delivered a document or goods sent by courier. It is a common receipt that you probably have ever signed at least once. For example, you order a book from amazon.com, and that book is delivered via DHL, and when you receive the book, you have to sign the delivery receipt which confirm DHL and Amazon that you have received your order where Amazon and you can see the delivery status online. Another example, if you order flowers to be sent to your girlfriend, your girlfriend will have to sign a delivery receipt and you can check the florist the delivery status of the flowers.
There is no standard for delivery receipt document format. You can make your own delivery receipt or just buy a common delivery receipt book. If you want to create your own receipt, these delivery receipt templates below should give you ideas to make your own receipt. Or, you can customize it to suit your business style.
Delivery Receipt (64.0 KiB, 30,352 hits)
Delivery Receipt 2 (55.5 KiB, 13,866 hits)