This is a fitness training program sheet template that should be useful to plan your fitness activity during certain period in order to reach your health or weight goal. All people want to have healthy body. They will do all things to make their body fit. Some people then do fitness program. There are some fitness centers that offer you complete fitness tools and professional instructor. Before you choose the best place to do fitness training program, you better know about this fitness training program template first. It is important to get it from your fitness instructor. Some professional instructors will use it to check the progress of their clients.
The benefits of this template are various. For you who do fitness, you can check your latest progress and then improve your exercises when you think you need more result. For the instructor, all instructors will remember each of clients when they read the report by using this template. This template is summary of client’s report. It is easy to be used and all professional instructors must have it. There are some parts of this template and you better know here.
Fitness training program template consists of some parts too. In the first part, you can see the detail information about your name and your instructor name. There is program start date information too. Client information column will consist of age, height, waist, chest, gender, and other things. There are four types of exercises such as warm up, strength, cardio and cool down exercise that you must do and you can check the progress too. You can read instructor suggestions for you too so you will know instructor comment in the same page.
Fitness Training Program Template (21.0 KiB, 1,109 hits)