Employee Termination Checklist

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Employee Termination Checklist TemplateA company must have its own company policy which is guarded by the supervisor. All employees must obey this standard or their career will not stand for so long. However, if an employee breaks the disciplinary procedures, then there will be sanctions like penalties or even contract termination. If you are a supervisor who takes the responsibility on a company, then you might need a thing like an employee termination checklist that is useful in case you need to terminate one of your employees.

Employee termination checklist is a standard checklist which in essence becomes an integral part of a company’s documentation. It appears through a form of Microsoft Word templates. It consists of two big parts. Item that needs to be completed which is related with employee’s job which need to be completed, handed over, or form to be filled and item needs to be returned, which related with all company’s item which are being used or borrowed within employee’s working duration.

If you don’t have any idea about how to create a proper employee termination checklist, then you can download this template below. It is free and easy to modify.

  Employee Termination Checklist - Landscape (48.5 KiB, 1,436 hits)

  Employee Termination Checklist - Portrait (42.5 KiB, 1,948 hits)

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