There are hundreds of types of consultants. Either full time of part time consultants. Consultant businesses could be categorized into several categories. But, based on a number of people who give consultation to people or company, consultant business can be categorized as
- Personal consultants, this is a type of consultant that offer personal services to individuals, such as weight loss and fitness consultants, beauty consultants and wedding consultants.
- Group consultants, this is a type of consultant that usually has company license and related certificates to provide commercial advises to companies who need it. Most common consultants in this category are legal, technical and business consultant.
This consultant invoice template below is an invoice you might need to request a payment after you finishing your project either personal or in group. There are several types that you can download here based on your services and agreement between you and your customers. You can charge them based on hour, project and include some products, if they bought products instead of just consultation from you.
Consultant Invoice - General (93.0 KiB, 10,834 hits)
Consultant Invoice - Hourly Service (101.5 KiB, 6,766 hits)
Consultant Invoice - Mixed Services and Products (97.0 KiB, 4,014 hits)